D.I.Y. Headband Tutorial

D.I.Y. Headband Tutorial

Whenever spring or summer rolls around I see tons of adorable knotted headbands. I’ve always wanted to buy one, but they just seemed so simple that I could just make one if I tried. And make one I did! I was just playing with some fabric and ended up making a knotted headband. Check out … Continue reading

D.I.Y. Hair Mask
Beauty / Make

D.I.Y. Hair Mask

Hair masks can be pricey, and often all the ingredients for an awesome hair mask are right in your kitchen. I’m extremely hard on my hair, so I’ve tried a lot of different d.i.y. recipes. Everything from yogurt to mayonnaise to eggs. I concocted this one from experimenting and figuring out what works best. It left … Continue reading

Frugal Fitness Part 1

Frugal Fitness Part 1

I’m sure a lot of us had “get in shape” or some variation of it as one of our New Year’s Resolutions. Well, getting fit can be  pretty expensive. You need a gym membership, athletic clothes, and gym accessories (yoga mat, water bottle, gym bag, head bands, towels, locker). All these little costs add up, … Continue reading