Valentine’s Day Outfit: Hanging with the Girls

Valentine’s Day Outfit: Hanging with the Girls

I think Valentine’s Day is one of the most wonderful holidays, but I know that many singletons might not feel that way. But instead of having a mopey day or ignoring the holiday all together, think of it as a day to celebrate all the people you love, like your friends, your sister, your parents, … Continue reading

Sweater and Booties

Sweater and Booties

There’s one thing I definitely miss about living in Utah, and that’s dressing for cold weather. Boots, chunky scarves, and thick sweaters seem  unnecessary in southern California. However, I couldn’t resist pulling them out while running some errands. It just don’t feel like winter without them! Sweater: American Apparel| Jeans: Thrifted| Scarf: Forever 21| Booties: … Continue reading

Peplum Dress

Peplum Dress

I love dresses. They can be super versatile, and the best part is you can just slip them on, and not worry about anything else! This peplum dress does just that. You can wear it to the office, out with friends or to a dressy event. Some say peplum dress don’t flatter, because the style … Continue reading

Feelin’ Blue

Feelin’ Blue

Well I’m not really feeling blue, but I am feeling this dress, which as you can tell is blue. I saw it online and realized it would be perfect for the office, especially when topped off with a crisp white blazer. The combination of white and blue have a winter-y feel. Oh, I almost left … Continue reading