How to Layer This Fall Part 1

How to Layer This Fall Part 1

Brisk, windy weather calls for one thing, layering! I love laying, because as the day gets warmer you can take layers off, and as it gets cold simply add more! It’s so convenient. It has to be done right though, because if not you can end up bulky or sloppy.  To keep it streamlined I like … Continue reading


Power Dress

You may have heard the term power suit and how it’s “back.”  While I think suits can be great,  I’m a much bigger fan of the power dress. It’s dress that’s chic, feminine, and professional. It can be difficult to capture all three aspects because often something that’s chic might not be feminine enough, and something … Continue reading

Fall Foliage

Fall Foliage

I can’t get enough of fall. I just wish it was perpetually fall, but I guess then I wouldn’t appreciate it as much. I’m lucky enough to live in a place where the leaves actually change. I never saw leaves like these ones  when I was living in California. Anyway, I look a walk up … Continue reading

Rainy Days

Rainy Days

I absolutely love red rain boots. They’re  so adorable and add the perfect amount of cheer to a dreary rainy day. I’ve wanted to buy some Hunters since, well, forever, but I just can’t swing the price tag that comes with them. I found these ones at Forever 21, and they just about do the … Continue reading

Fan Meets Fashion

Fan Meets Fashion

I saw this  Buzzfeed, 23 Most Annoying Things About Being a Female Sports Fan, and not only was it totally true, but also completely hysterical. It also brought up a good point, there is a total lack of women’s fan attire. When I was looking for a few shirts for this football season, nearly everything … Continue reading

A Touch of Neon

A Touch of Neon

I’ll admit it, I am a huge fan of neon. I love the bright, cheery, fun aspect of it. While I don’t wear much neon, ever, I noticed Emily from Cupcakes and Cashmere rocking a neon beanie. So I had to grab one, and try out the look for myself. (Mean Girls reference anyone?) Anyway, I picked mine … Continue reading